


Become a Python backend developer and work in a dynamic and vital field in today’s society. As a Python backend developer, you can show your creativity, become part of the tech disruption, build websites, web apps, and much more. Along with industry experts, we have created an application-oriented curriculum that prepares our students for the job. The curriculum is tailored to people of all ages, experiences, and knowledge.

Theory & Learning Phase

  • Learn the fundamentals of Information and Communication Technology, and Tools for learning.

  •  Learn programming in Python and its ecosystem. 

  • Develop Web Applications using Python-Django, HTML and CSS.

  •  Work with Agile Project Management methodologies.

  •  Collaborate on projects using the industry standard version control system (Git).

Apply Knowledge

  • Learn about Databases, APIs, Server-Client communication and production deployment.

  •   Improve your soft skills such as communicating with a team, 

  • working together with different cultures, giving compelling presentations,

  •  and present yourself with confidence.


  • 2 month internship at a company. 

  •  Create a final project and present it in front of potential employers.


Green Biotec Institute was founded in 2019 as an initiative to integrate refugees into digital Internship in Germany. Green Biotec set the goal to increase the amount of skilled workers in the constantly growing digital industry with its comprehensive and certified courses.

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